Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's holiday time again!

Week 21 is the week at our timeshare Doña Lola on the Costa del Sol so on Friday 22nd May after dropping Hona off at the kennels in Tortosa, we headed south at a leisurely pace staying overnight at the town of Elche which is exactly half-way. We left our two cats at home this time so they could enjoy their dog-free holiday being looked after by Floyd.

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This year the weather was great all week.

This is the time of year for the palms to be pruned.

There was entertainment in the restaurant by Alexandra Avery. Click HERE to see her on YouTube.

Here is the traditional picture of Margaret in the window with the fig tree.

In charge of the "entertainment" is Curro, here giving us a guided tour of the plants in the gardens. He also gives Spanish lessons, is in charge of the wine tasting and paella making sessions as well as organising activities for the children throughout the week.

At the end of the week we then headed for Manzanares which is just south of Madrid for a 2 night stay at the Parador there.

Spot Margaret!

Why is it that so many of our photos involve us being at the table, eating and drinking? Here we are having a lovely meal in the Parador restaurant. A great way to finish off a most enjoyable holiday.

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