Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pablo's 50th and Calçots

We went to Rosi and Pablo's masería near to Valdealgorfa last Easter Monday but this time it was to celebrate Pablo's birthday...

...and to experience una calçotada. Calçots are a special type of baby leek only grown in this part of the world.

Una calçotada is a gastronomic party typical of Catalunya where the calçots are cooked on the BBQ...

...wrapped in newspaper to allow them to steam and cook some more...

then "skinned"...

...dipped in a salsa...

...then eaten.

As it tends to be rather messy it is better to eat them outside, (and often wearing a bib).

However, this is followed by the remainder of the meal eaten inside...

...once it has been cooked on the embers from the calçots.

Pablo had a rather generous birthday cake...

...which was enjoyed by everyone.

After the meal it's time for a walk and here we discovered yet more of the Via Verde.

To see all of the photos, click HERE

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