Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 30 - Rotorua to Taupo

At Rotorua, the motel we stayed in was called "Pohutu Lodge"...

...and just out the back of the motel was the Pohutu geyser...

...which erupts around 20 times per day sending steam some 30 metres into the air.

In the morning we explored the lake side...

...and visited a Maori community there...

...complete with it's own picturesque church.


As usual there were some very interesting flowers.

We also visited this small river which was flowing with very warm water on the way to...

"Wai-O-Tapu", (Sacred Water), the "Thermal Wonderland", with it's thermal mud pools and lots of geothermal activity. For more information, click HERE. Vast holes in the ground were bubbling and producing lots of steam...

...and whole lakes were steaming!


Finally there was Lake Ngakoro Waterfall which was worth the extra walk.

And then to Huka Falls where the Waikato River leaving Lake Taupo is channeled from 100 metres width into 15 metres and falls distances of 8 then 11 metres meaning that 220,000 litres of water per second is flowing.

This is why there are no trout or eels in Lake Taupo - they can't make it up the falls!

At Taupo, our motel is called "Mountain View" and there they are in the distance just across Lake Taupo.

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