Saturday, August 18, 2007

¡FIESTA! Day two

The main day of the fiesta and it is in several parts kicking off with mass in the church at midday to celebrate San Ramón. Everyone is in their Sunday best even though it's Saturday and the church is packed - standing room only.

San Ramón is carried through the streets of the village.

All the ladies are in their best outfits.
At the end of the service cake is distributed from the baskets by people in traditional dress.

At 18:00 a jota group put on a display of traditional dance...

...along with music and singing...'s not flamenco but they do have castanets. I'm even starting to recognise some of the tunes now - next I'll be humming along!

In the evening, a pop group in the Plaza Mayor until the very early hours.

Tonights meal at the peña ia prepared by Juan Carlos. It's ribs, caracols, (snails), asparagus, artichoke hearts and potatoes - a typical dish for a cold winter day!

As it seems to be "mens night" we all lend a hand.

Just time for a quick photo though.

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