Saturday, November 21, 2015

Double birthday parties!

Today was a double birthday party for Ariadna...

...5 years old a couple of weeks ago...

...and her mother, Carmen, whose birthday was today.

Ariadna really liked her presents...

...and so did Carmen.


an ebook...

...a necklace...

...and chocolates because AmazonVIP haven't delivered her actual birthday present from us yet.

The food for the meal was wonderful as usual.

How about that for starters...

...followed by delicious chicken...

...and a superb birthday cake!

A very good time was had by all!

1 comment:

Wenni Donna said...

Double birthday parties! That sounds interesting. This party was so fun and those starters look so yummy. My daughter’s birthday is about to come and I would like to host such an enjoyable party for her at a nearest Chicago event space.