Sunday, June 2, 2013

IHTA! (7) Corpus Christi in Almagro

Today is the celebration of Corpus Christi in Almagro. 

In the streets of the town the people have setup altars decorated with plants and flowers...

...and have strewn the road in front of the altar with petals, leaves...

...and herbs such as rosemary so it smells good as well as looking good.

There is also a procession led by a very able band through the streets of the town...

...including the Plaza Mayor with all of it's bars and cafés...

...with lots of participants including young girls in their best white dresses and the boys wearing their best suits...

...having taken their first communion in the Church in the service which has just been held.

A very proud moment and a very important day in their lives.

Each altar in the streets around the town is significantly different...

...but they all celebrate the same thing...

...the tradition of the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

It is good to see this event which has been celebrated since 1246...

...still very much alive and thriving today.

Also wheeled through the streets from the church at the end of the procession is this magnificent silver altar...

...and we were there to see it. What an experience.

To see my video of Almagro, click HERE.

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