Sunday, June 9, 2013

Torre del Compte Worldfair

Sunday was the big day for Torre del Compte when the village was host to various organisations in the Matarraña region and representatives of the many different countries throughout the world who had made their homes here. This event is held every year in a different village in the area. Click HERE to see my video of the event.

Margaret was representing the United Kingdom with her very special Devonshire Scones complete with jam and cream, delicious.

Our friends Joy and John were selling plants and making cups of English tea.

Meanwhile, Floyd and Jorge were offering samples of a Cajun dish.

Many countries and organisations were represented; Peru,...

 ...the local area of Aragón...

 ...with regional costume and samples of lace making,...


 ...the village of Torre del Compte,...

 ...crafts from India,...

...and even Russian dolls.

Local specialities had been made... well as various creatures being modeled!

 There were workshops on batik printing...

 ...where people were able to create their own original designs.

To see the 2 performances of modern dance given by a group of young girls, click HERE...

 ...and to see the performance of Oriental Dance, click HERE.

There was a splendid Bolivian folk group with a group of extremely well costumed and energetic dancers. To see and hear the musicians in action click HERE and for a second tune, click HERE.
To see 2 performances by the dancers, click HERE then HERE
And there's now a 3rd, HERE.

A highlight of the afternoon came when there was a sudden "flashmob" event.

To see the "flashmob" of Torre del Compte, click HERE.

To see more photos of the event, click HERE.

Overall, the best Worldfair in this area that there has ever been!

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