Sunday, March 20, 2016

Cretas, XII Medieval Fair

Despite the weather forecast predicting showers the sky looked promising so we decided to visit the XII Medieval Fair at Cretas.

As it was lunchtime, it was fairly quiet.

We bought a loaf of olive bread, still warm having been baked in the oven...

...and I bought 2 hats.

The blacksmith was working well...

...although the sundial had stopped.

I also bought a special knife for cutting the sprouting olive branches. You name it, this stall had a special knife to cut it!

The ponies were having a rest but were awaiting the arrival of the afternoon rush...

...and it's not often you see such an empty space as this!

We also bought a delicious whole cheese.

Finally, a visit to the ermita of Cretas, La Virgen de Misericordia, The Virgin of Mercy, in a wonderful setting with great views.

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