Saturday, June 25, 2016

¡San Juan!

The celebration of San Juan is in 3 parts.

At midday, the mass in the ermita.

After the mass, it's time for lunch with the peña.

This year it's a special meal with an Argentinian flavour.

We have...

chorizo, spicy pork sausage, called choripan because it is served in a bread roll like a hot dog,...

...entraña, beef belly,...

mollaeja, glands,...

costillas, ribs,...

langostinos, for starters,...

morcillas, black pudding,...

picaña, back ribs,...

and finally, vacio, top of the leg.

At the end of the meal... 

... there has to be a round of Catacrocs!

And again this year, it's Rosa Mari's birthday!

The third part of the celebration takes place on the camino outside our house...

...where a group plays...

...and everyone dances...


...while refreshments of cava and cakes are provided.


Another great day.

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