Friday, May 25, 2012


Founded in 25 BC the city known as Emerita Augusta was the capital of the Roman empire in Spain. Consequently, it has many relics of the Roman occupation to be seen.

And here's proof that the Roman's really knew how to build an arch. The rest of it has disappeared, it originally looked a bit like Marble Arch in London, but the arch itself will possibly be around for another two thousand years.

The museum, built in 1986, El Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, houses a host of Roman remains and is itself a splendid building.

There a entire walls covered with mosaics which were originally on the floor of Roman villas.

Even the garden of the Parador where we stayed had a Roman feel. The Parador had been an 18th century convent built on the
remains of a temple dedicated to the Concordia de Augusto...

...with a splendid the inner courtyard.

To see more photos of our visit to Mérida, click HERE.

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