Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It's off to Zaragoza by coach with a group of 60 adults from the various courses provided in the Matarraña area and the weather is the best of the year so far.

Zaragoza is developing into a most pedestrian friendly city and has the roads in the centre with tables, chairs and sunshades for the local bars spread around. It certainly is not a place to drive through! The new tram system is still being built and rented bikes are very popular.

The reason we went to Zaragoza was to see a film, De tu ventana a la mía, (click the title to see the trailer), directed by Paula Ortiz.

Lunch was a bocadillo con calamares y mayonesa con mejillones en salsa. ¡Delicioso!

Zaragoza is a beautiful city. You walk through the pedestrianised streets of shops and suddenly come across a quiet shaded park area with a great monument and fountains.

The architectural detail on the buildings is amazing,...

...great towers appear just around a corner,...

...there is detail on various doors as you pass by,...

...the vast openness of the Plaza del Pilar is amazing...

...and the grandeur of the...

...Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar is inspiring.

An unforgetable day out!

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